
AMLA and Amberoon: From Mandate to Market Advantage

The Anti-Money Laundering Act (AMLA) 2020 is a very big deal. For the entire financial services industry, down to the smallest credit unions and neighborhood banks, it changes the game completely. Institutions that haven’t yet incorporated this...

PPP : Good Deeds Need Good Risk Management

In these distressing times, the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) is a perfect example of whatcanhappen when the private and public sectors step up together. The economy is staggering from a global pandemic, the government has to allocate...

PPP is Not a Free Lunch for Banks

During the post-prohibition era in the 1930s, bars offered free lunches to their patrons to get them to buy drinks. 40 years later, Milton Friedman famously summed up the study of economics with the quip – “There is no such thing as a free lunch” or...