Email Marketing - The Killer App for Big Data Analytics?
Digital Marketing from 1999 to 2012
In his book Permission Marketing, Seth Godin referred to email marketing as “the most personal advertising medium in history".
In his book Permission Marketing, Seth Godin referred to email marketing as “the most personal advertising medium in history".
Simply astounding: Did you know that every 60 SECONDS, a tidal wave of unstructured data is being produced, consumed and archived. As you read this ask yourself: what does this mean?
At the Analytics Executive Forum, I facilitated a session on Omni-channel analytics. It struck me how every leading consumer facing firm seems convinced that mobile is becoming the dominant B2C interaction channel. Mobile is the gateway to insight...
In our recent, irreverent piece, Banking AI in...
Mad and Bad, But Not a Fad
In our previous blog post, “Statum BankRank: A...