
Posts about

regulatory compliance (4)

Is Adoption of Artificial Intelligence Worth the Risk to my Bank?

The human brain is the most intelligent organ that has ever existed. In fact, some scientists refer to the human brain as a “natural supercomputer.”

What Differentiates Modern AML Solutions from Legacy AML?

The Legacy Approach

In last week's article, we discussed Rules Engines vs Machine Learning for AML/BSA/CFT compliance. In this article we differentiate legacy AML process from modern a Agile Compliance approach. The legacy AML process consists of...

Should AML Technology Drive Business Process or Vice Versa?

This is a vexing question and it is at the heart of myriad problems with the current approach to AML/BSA processing. Last year, in conversation with a banking regulator, he observed, that "when a bank buys AML software they also buy an AML business...