
Posts about

business perspective solutions (5)

Industrial Big Data and the Power of 1% Improvement

Just like Business to Consumer (B2C)  e-commerce and Business to Business (B2B) e-commerce…we are seeing a similar distinction emerge in Big Data.

While social, consumer, retail and mobile big data get a lot of PR, the big data business cases...

Blessed are the Mid-Markets, for they shall Scale Big Data

In a parody of Start Trek, Silicon Valley technology companies describe their business goal as “Scale, the final frontier…”.  Mid-market companies, defined as those having 100-2500 employees,may indeed provide an opportunity to emerging technology...

Understanding Healthcare Provider Use Cases with Analytics

Health expenditures in the United States neared $3.0 trillion in 2013 which is over ten times the $256 billion spent in 1980.  Almost 15% of U.S GDP is estimated to be spent on healthcare.